Spectral Analysis of Meshes

Assigned: Tuesday, September 21

Due: Monday, October 11 by 5:00 p.m.


Sep 24, 2004 — Posted sample halfedge code. (See below.)


For this project, you’ll be implementing a system for analyzing and smoothing meshes based on the eigenvectors of the mesh Laplacian. Your project should implement all of the following:

You’ll probably want to browse through our collection of links, particularly the Numerical Libraries section.

Sample Models

I’ve put together a collection of sample models for you to try your project on. Since we have a site license for Maya, you can also conceivably generate quite a variety of your own test models. If you generate anything particularly interesting, I’d be happy to add it to the menagerie.

Useful Code

If you choose to build a mesh data structure using a halfedge primitive, you might be interested in looking at the sample halfedge code that I’ve written.