Sample Models

cow v1 v2 bunny ludwig pig camel
pentacone pentatorus hexprism open-pyramid

For testing purposes, here are some simplified versions of some of the meshes above. The filenames indicate how many triangles there are in the mesh.

cow-800 ludwig-500

The following models are all manifolds with exactly 1 boundary loop.

cowhead cat paraboloid volcano open-pyramid

File Format

The file format used here is a very limited subset of the Wavefront OBJ format. The files consist of a series of lines:

# Any line starting with a '#' character is a comment
v x1 y1 z1
v x2 y2 x2
f i1 j1 k1
f i2 j2 k2

Each v line defines a new vertex. Vertices are implicitly numbered by their order of appearance starting with 1. Each f line defines a triangle by giving the integer IDs of the vertices which forms its 3 corners.

You can generate infinitely many more examples using the Maya software installed in the CSIL labs.

Simple examples

Here are a few very simple examples to illustrate how actual meshes look when written in OBJ format.


This is a simple tetrahedron with 1 corner at the origin and with the other 3 vertices in the positive x, y, and z directions.

v 1.0 0.0 0.0
v 0.0 1.0 0.0
v 0.0 0.0 1.0
v 0.0 0.0 0.0
f 2 4 3
f 4 2 1
f 3 1 2
f 1 3 4

The unit cube

This is the standard cube covering [0,1]^3. Note that it’s been triangulated.

# Vertices on the bottom of the cube (z=0)
v 0 0 0
v 1 0 0
v 0 1 0
v 1 1 0
# Vertices on the top of the cube (z=1)
v 0 0 1
v 1 0 1
v 0 1 1
v 1 1 1

# Triangles on the bottom
f 1 4 2
f 1 3 4

# Triangles on the top
f 5 6 8
f 5 8 7

# All the remaining sides
f 1 2 6
f 1 6 5
f 2 4 8
f 2 8 6
f 4 3 7
f 4 7 8
f 3 1 5
f 3 5 7