Mesh Editing

A key problem with meshes is how to effectively edit them. We can obviously move a single vertex around at will. But reshaping models by repeatedly moving single vertices is tedious (to put it mildly). Here we’ll discuss a few approaches for conveniently editing the shape of a meshed surfaces.

Required reading

First lecture

We’ve seen Laplacian-type structures in smoothing, parameterization, and compression. It turns out, they crop up in editing as well.

Second lecture

Instead of simply allowing the user to edit an object, maybe we’d like to allow a user to repose a model in a physically plausible way.

Recommended reading

There are several other papers that approach mesh editing from a multiresolution perspective. Some representative papers are:

Closely connected to Laplacian surface editing is Poisson surface editing:

Another major vein of work on mesh editing has been to support sketch-based interfaces to modeling.