Isotropic Remeshing

Assigned: Tuesday, March 14

Due: Tuesday, April 4 by 12:00 noon


The purpose of this assignment is to implement a system for remeshing surfaces with nice triangular meshes. The result should largely parallel the system described by Alliez et al. in their paper Isotropic surface remeshing.

Sample Models

My collection of sample models includes some selected manifolds-with-boundary suitable for parameterization. You’re welcome to track down and share other examples.

You may assume that a given input model will be homeomorphic to a disk (exactly 1 boundary loop).

Support Code

You’re free to use whatever outside code you like for mesh representation, parameterization, and Delaunay triangulation. Just make sure to credit your sources.

I recommend CGAL as it provides both mesh data structures and Delaunay/Voronoi code. For mesh code alone, you might also consider OpenMesh. For computing Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams without CGAL, you might try QHull or hull.