Mesh Compression

Most mesh file formats are actually quite verbose. Many of them are even just raw ASCII text. Since they can easily consume a lot of space, we very often want to compress them. One obvious choice would be to use some standard compression method such as gzip. However, you can achieve far better compression rates by taking advantage of the special structure of meshes.

Required reading

First lecture

We’ll begin by looking at EdgeBreaker, a scheme for compressing the connectivity of triangle meshes.

Second lecture

Another rather different approach to mesh compression is via the spectral mesh analysis that we originally discussed in the context of smoothing. At a very high level, this is roughly analogous to the approach of DCT-based image compression methods such as JPEG.

Recommended reading

Here are some of the early papers on mesh compression, which you’ll frequently see referenced in more recent papers:

It turns out the EdgeBreaker-type schemes can also be applied quite nicely to non-triangular polygon meshes.

Class Materials

Our in-class presentation was delivered by Eric Lorimer.