Automatic Parameterization of Meshes

Assigned: Monday, October 25

Due: Thursday, November 11 by 3:00 p.m.


The purpose of this assignment is to implement a system for parameterizing meshes by constructing a mapping into the plane.

You’ll probably want to browse through our collection of links, particularly the Numerical Libraries section.

Sample Models

My collection of sample models includes some selected manifolds-with-boundary suitable for parameterization.


In the past, I’ve encountered numerical problems with newmat on my Powerbook when solving the DCP linear system. I have not had similar problems with TNT. So I would probably recommend TNT over newmat — at least when using Apple’s compiler.

Having said that, you’ll be a lot happier with the performance of a sparse matrix solver. I personally tend to use SuperLU, although UMFPACK would also be a good choice.