Point-based Models

So far, we’ve pretty much focused exclusively on meshes as the representation of surfaces. We’ve also talked briefly about implicit and parametric representations. All of these represent the surface as a continuous closed surface. Another interesting approach to defining surfaces is by a collection of points in space. We can do a surprising amount with this, and it has the advantage that we aren’t required to maintain valid mesh connectivity when editing the surface.

Required reading

First lecture

We’ll begin our discussion of point-set surfaces by looking at a paper that defines them using a moving least squares (MLS) process. Not only is this a useful construction for point-set surfaces, but MLS is a generally useful technique to know about.

Second lecture

We’ll continue by looking at this 2003 paper. See below for a link to the accompanying Pointshop3D software.

Recommended reading

Here are just a few of the many interesting papers that use point-based representations of surfaces.

You might also like to check out the Pointshop3D software.

Class Materials

Our in-class presenter will be Matei Stroila.