CS 497 - MJG

Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-1:45 p.m.
Mechanical Engineering Building, Room 256


Instructor: Michael Garland
DCL 3215
Secretary: Bonnie Howard
DCL 3120

  • Class schedule and list of papers
  • E-mail paper summaries to: garland+summary@uiuc.edu
  • Here's a list of online rendering resources.
  • Term projects
  • Overview

    In this course, we will explore advanced rendering techniques. Our focus will be on algorithms which can produce photorealistic images and on non-photorealistic techniques which offer more stylized alternatives. This is not an exhaustive survey course. Instead, we will concentrate on areas of current research. More details can be found in the course announcement.


    This course is a research seminar; it is focused on reading and understanding papers drawn from the research literature. We will generally cover 1-2 papers per class. These papers will be handed out in advance, and you will be expected to have read them before coming to class.

    For each paper, you will be expected to send me a brief summary prior to class. First, you should describe the key points of the paper in 2-3 sentences. Then, you should write down the biggest question you have about the paper; this may be something you didn't understand or that you feel the authors didn't adequately address. E-mail this little write-up to me at garland+summary@uiuc.edu and put the corresponding class date in the subject line. Your summary is due by 8:00 a.m. of the day on which that paper is being discussed.

    Each of you will be expected to give an in-class presentation on one of the papers we will be reading during the course. This presentation should be about 30 minutes long and should cover the most important material described in the paper. Note that this presentation will determine 20% of your final grade. I expect more than just an outline of the paper. For instance, you should take the time to read any important related papers so that you can explain how this method fits into the overall scheme of things.

    Term Project

    Each student in this course will complete a term project. I will expect each of you to select a project topic within the first few weeks of class. You will then have the rest of the semester to complete your project. At the end of the course, you will turn in a paper describing your work and give a presentation on your project in class. These projects will span the entire semester because I want you to have the time to build a substantial system, a complete renderer. I'll provide you with more detailed information on the requirements for these projects in the near future.


    There will be no exams in the course. Final grades in the course will be determined in the following way:

    Paper presentation20%
    Class participation10%
    Term project

    Last modified: Thu Feb 24 14:21:31 CST 2000