CS 497 - MJG
Advanced Surface Modeling for Computer Graphics

Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-1:45 p.m.
Transportation Building, Room 204


Instructor: Michael Garland
DCL 3215
Secretary: Bonnie Howard
DCL 3120

NEW SPRING COURSE: I will be teaching a seminar on rendering in the Spring 2000 semester.

  • List of Papers
  • Project 1 was due September 23.
  • Project 2 was due October 21.
  • Overview

    In recent years, 3D computer graphics has become an increasingly important technology in a variety of application areas, from video games to scientific visualization. In this course, we will explore some recently developed techniques for efficiently manipulating surfaces and providing the user with greater freedom of control over their models. More details can be found in the course announcement.


    This course is a research seminar; it is focused on reading and understanding papers drawn from the research literature. We will generally cover 1-2 papers per class. These papers will be handed out in advance, and students will be expected to have read them before coming to class.

    Each student will be expected to give an in-class presentation on one of the papers we will be reading during the course. This presentation should be about 30 minutes long and should cover the most important material described in the paper. The student should also be prepared to answer some questions about this paper.


    There will be 4 programming project assignments over the course of the semester. The final project of the semester will be a term project covering a topic of your choosing. I will provide some suggestions for possible projects, but you will be free to come up with your own. In either case, I must approve the details of the project you intend to pursue.


    Final grades in the course will be determined approximately in the following way:

    Paper presentation:5%
    Class participation:5%
    Project #1:20%
    Project #2:20%
    Project #3:20%
    Term Project:30%


    Last modified: Wed Aug 4 14:43:49 CDT 1999